Messages by Michael Staley

Messages by Michael Staley

The Man on a Tree

Mark 15:20-40 It’s one of the saddest moments in the history of mankind, but one of the most necessary moments at the same time. Jesus, died on a cross so that we could have the hope of eternal life with Him because He has been raised from the dead and we can trust in His grace to save us. Scriptures Referenced Isaiah 52:14 Psalm 22:18 Matthew 27:51-53 Isaiah 53:9 Psalm 69:21 Psalm 22:14-15 Psalm 34:20 Psalm 22:7-8 Psalm 22:1 John…

The Long Road to the Cross

Mark 15:1-21 Do you struggle with the brutality of the world around you? Jesus was brutalized so badly that the word says He was hard to recognize as a man. But He went through it all for us. His love for us is beyond our comprehension and His love for us never fails. Scriptures Referenced Matthew 27:12-14 Matthew 27:27-31 Luke 23:2 1 Peter 2:24 Luke 23:4

Denial, Chaos and Conviction

Mark 14:66-72 So we are taking some time here to circle back to Peter’s denial of his knowledge or relationship with Jesus. You can be sure that all the disciples fell away as Jesus said they would. Peter’s denial and ultimate restoration serve as an aid to us, not because he was the only one that failed Jesus here, but because he is the strongest example of that failure and the grace that Jesus offered when He restored him. Scriptures…

The Trial or the Travesty

Mark 14:53-65 The trial the Jesus endured was truly a travesty. A true miscarriage of justice where a completely innocent man was condemned to death. It is sad that this happened, but it shows the condition of man’s heart and our need for the grace that Jesus purchased for us on the cross. Scriptures Referenced John 18:12-14 Matthew 26:57-68 Luke 23:8-12 John 18:19-23 John 18:28-38 Luke 23:13-25 John 11:48-52 Luke 23:1-5
Praying over the Word of God


Mark 14:32-41a Prayer, conversation with God. What an insightful thing to do, to ask Jesus, the Son of God how to pray. And what a gift, that Jesus would share with His disciples, the concepts we need to understand to have effective prayers with our God. Scriptures Referenced Luke 5:15-16 Matthew 6:9-13 Mark 1:35 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Dinner With Jesus

Mark 14:12-26 Do you wonder if the disciples were surprised when Jesus told them He had been longing to have supper with them? It was a special evening and a special meal that Jesus shared with them in the upper room. Scriptures Referenced Romans 10:9-13 Deuteronomy 16:5-6 John 13:21-30 Luke 22:8 Luke 22:21-23 John 13:31-35 Exodus 12:1-13 Matthew 26:20-25

Doing for Jesus?

Mark 14:1-11 Even though Jesus wasn’t well regarded by the religious authorities, He was loved by many people and many cared for Him. Some even made huge sacrifices to meet His needs, not even realizing the sacrifice He would make for them was beyond anything they could imagine. Scriptures Referenced Matthew 26:1-13 John 12:1-8 Luke 22:1-2 Luke 7:36–50 John 11:45-53

What’s Your Problem Jonah

Jonah 4:1-11 Just because God uses you to accomplish His purposes, doesn’t mean that you are going to like it. Jonah did what God called him to do, but he didn’t like the results. It seems kind of foolish, but God’s will, will be done. And that’s a good thing, like it or not. Scriptures Referenced Genesis 22:15-18 Matthew 12:39-41 Esther 4:13-14 Luke 11:29-32 Matthew 22:37-39

It Seems Fishy to Me (Part 2)

Jonah 2:1-10, 3:1-10 After dining with a big fish for a few days, Jonah is energized and prays to God because he is ready to do the work that God has prepared for him. After landing on a beach and taking a little walk, Jonah travels through the streets of Ninevah preaching a message of repentance. The funny thing is, it worked! The people repented and God didn’t destroy Ninevah, at least not then. Scriptures Referenced Jonah 1:17 1 Samuel…

It Seems Fishy to Me (Part 1)

Jonah 1:1-17 God speaks to Jonah and tells him He has a job for him to do. Jonah turns and tries to run away and since God sees him taking a little holiday, God decides Jonah needs to spend a little time fishing, so he is fresh for the challenge that awaits him. Scriptures Referenced 2 Kings 14:25 1 Kings 22:8 Genesis 10:8-12
An eclipse

What Will Be The Sign

Mark 13:7-37 The disciples wondered about the things that Jesus told them were going to happen. They also wondered when they were going to happen. This message looks at that conversation and tries to make sense of what Jesus said in light of what is currently going on in the world. Scriptures Referenced Matthew 24:6 Matthew 24:29-31