

One of our primary missions as disciples is to help fulfill the Great Commission by bringing the Word of God and the light of Jesus Christ to all people, tribes, and nations.

In light of the present global pandemic’s preventative restrictions on travel and unprecedented delays in shipping resources, we believe this is a unique opportunity for churches to leverage remote, natural-born missionaries, to minister in their own countries and beyond.

With the power and reach of the Internet now expanding into certain rural communities and remote villages; in countries like Pakistan, we are now leveraging key technologies and evangelistic resources to share the gospel of Jesus Christ through interpreters: teaching and preaching sound doctrine to villages that don’t see a pastor visit for sometimes a generation or longer.

The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them. (Matthew 11:5)


Brick kiln people excited to hear the Word of God from a visiting evangelist. Behind them is an active kiln.

Open Doors USA’s World Watch List rates Pakistan an 88/100 for extreme persecution against Christian minorities.

Regardless of the realities of the dangers, our sister church in Lahore, Pakistan has a team of volunteer evangelists, pastors and support personnel on the ground there who regularly travel across Pakistan to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the poor.

In 2021, Lahore was rated the world’s most polluted city.

The team at Cross Prayer Ministry of Pakistan installs and helps to maintain several waters pumps for remote villages, so the people can drink fresh water rather than drinking from contaminated rain puddles. As the Lord provides, they feed the hungry.

Boy drinking rain water from contaminated puddle

Please pray for their continued safety as they boldly bring the gospel door-to-door, never fearing Man but always entrusting their lives to Jesus Christ.

They operate a free primary school in their small church building, teaching English and Urdu, plus Bible education, to the poor and needy.

English is an international language of commerce and Urdu is the national language of Pakistan.

They are seeking to open a second primary school in a remote area, if the Lord wills.

The most impoverished Christians in Pakistan make mud bricks under what amounts to 21st century debt slavery. Falling prey to insurmountable debts incurred usually for emergency food or medical expenses, they work for generations trying to pay off these debts by living in brick kiln labor colonies, often living in tents made of blankets and sticks.

[if] one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and be filled,” and yet you do not give them what is necessary for their body, what use is that? (James 2:16)

A brick kiln slave child forming cold mud to make bricks

Hunger like few have known before in America is a daily threat to Christians and others living under these conditions.

Brick kiln slaves cannot afford the basics like food or medicine.

Yet they give thanks to God in Jesus Christ for everything as Christians.

A Pakistani Christian worshiping on his knees. He is wearing a traditional shalwar kameez.

Common Terms in Urdu

Are you ready to learn some Urdu?

EnglishRoman Urdu
Praise Jesus!Jai Yasu di
It’s all JesusHar sha Yasu di
BibleKitaab Muqaddas
Roman Urdu is the name for the Urdu language written with the Latin script, also known as Roman script.