Pastor’s Biography

Pastor’s Biography

God is moving in my life, and He called us to come and serve in Prescott Valley, AZ in 2023.

This is an entirely new chapter for Denise and I as we learn, serve and  teach discipleship as a part of Christview Church.  We have been blessed with full careers, children, grandchildren and a long history with Jesus.  But just when we thought that life would begin winding down, we received this calling and we have discovered that Jesus has so much more for us to do and so many people for us to love and serve.

We both made a choice for Christ when we were teenagers and God has blessed us as a Christian couple devoted to him through more than 47 years of marriage, as we raised our own two children and ministered to many others.  In 1997, Michael completed his bachelor’s degree with a double major in Bible and Christian Ministry.  Michael has also completed some post-graduate work through Pepperdine University specializing in Christian ministry.

We have served in various roles within the church, teaching Bible studies, serving as youth leaders and participating in short term missions including one entire summer with Teen Missions International leading a group of 35 high school age students on a mission trip to eastern Europe.

In the past, Michael had a career in software and business development, having worked for organizations like Microsoft, Salesforce, Boeing, the US Air Force and many others.  In addition, he has also been a part of a number of technical startups and smaller businesses over the years as he served in roles as diverse as President, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Technology Officer, Software Architect, and various management, leadership and programming roles.  He also served many organizations as a technical consultant.

In addition to her role as mother, homemaker and faithful supporter of her husband and family, Denise also served as Executive Assistant, administrator, church secretary and more during her career.

The Staley’s started their journey together by leaving New York state shortly after their marriage in 1977. They spent about twelve years in central Texas, part of that time serving in the USAF and both of their children were born there.  In the late eighties they once again moved across the country to live in the Seattle-Tacoma area, and they stayed there for 35 years working, raising their family and serving in the church.  A large part of that time included spending time adventuring out on the Puget Sound on their 48-foot sailboat named Maranatha.  In fact, they spent about 12 of those years living onboard Maranatha and ministering to the people they met who were part of the cruising scene all over the Puget Sound.

Currently, the Staley’s are now located in Prescott Valley, AZ where they spend their time serving as leaders for Christview Church.  Their passion and their hope is to be catalysts for discipleship and effective participants in the work of bringing glory to God and increase to His Kingdom. The Staley’s are very grateful for God’s calling to serve the people at Christview Church and the Prescott Valley community in general and they are happy to have the full support of their family, their friends, and the congregation of Christview Church.

To God be the Glory!