Meet the Pastor

Meet the Pastor

I’m Pastor Michael and I am responsible for leading and teaching here at Christview Church.

Rather than start with my biography here, I want to take this opportunity to welcome you to Christview and tell you a little bit about my role here and my hopes and desires for everyone who participates in our ministry.

First, I would like you to know that I see the pastor’s role as a servant role, where I serve my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ with everything I’ve got. I am not here for position, power, prestige or prosperity. I am here to serve the people that God would have become a part of this local congregation.

To that end, my goals are to teach the Bible as completely and thoroughly as is possible so that everyone here grows in their love and understanding of Jesus himself and so that we all are equipped to do the works of service that God has prepared for us. I believe in solid discipleship, rich fellowship and solid stewardship for all of us, both in our activities as a part of the church and in our personal lives.

Most of all, I want to encourage you, if you are looking for a church home with safe, solid and Biblical teaching, where we choose to encounter and honor all of God’s Word, from Genesis to Revelation, consider joining us. Our goal is to love our neighbors as ourselves. All of our neighbors.

So we want to welcome you here. If you are already participating in a church that meets your needs, God bless you. You are always welcome to join us for any of our extra activities that don’t conflict with your current church schedule. We don’t want to draw people away from where God has placed them, we just want to share God’s love with everyone who is willing to spend time with us. So if you see something on our calendar that interests you, come and check it out and see if it works for you.

Our goal is to love everyone God brings in our door. We promise to speak the truth, in love, to the very best of our ability and to be a blessing to the people in our community in every way we possibly can.

We know we can do this through the power of God’s Holy Spirit and we invite you to participate with us as we stand in awe of what God does here in Prescott Valley.

Thank you for taking a few minutes to read these words. You can check out my biography by clicking on the link below if you are interested.

As a pastor, I would ask that you make sure that you know that you belong to Jesus, that He is your Lord and savior. That is the first order of business you need to attend to. If you aren’t sure, come and talk to me. It’s important. If you do know that you are part of the Kingdom of God, and you aren’t attending a solid church, I would implore you to find a church with solid teaching and good fellowship, if not Christview then one of the other solid Christian churches nearby.

Finally, read your Bible, every day and pray. God wants to here from you and He wants you to hear from Him. The best way to hear from God is to read His Word, every day. And if you really need to hear God speak to you audibly, read the Bible out loud and listen to what you hear.

Your servant in Christ,

A short autobiography
A short autobiography

Pastor Michael